Bowling Green Mayor Bruce Wilkerson is facing an ethics complaint over his use of City Hall to endorse mayoral candidate Todd Alcott.
Speaking to media inside the City Commission chambers last month, Wilkerson announced he was withdrawing from the mayor’s race for health reasons and endorsing Alcott.
The anonymous complaint says the mayor doesn’t have the right to use city property or city resources for political purposes. City Clerk Ashley Jackson says the complaint can’t be made public at this time.
“Per Kentucky Revised Statute, it is not subject to disclosure until the board of ethics has reviewed and made a final determination," Jackson stated.
The ethics panel will meeting later this month, though a date hasn’t been set.
Mayor Wilkerson told WKU Public Radio he doesn’t think he committed any violations because City Hall is open to the public. He added that members of the public are allowed to use the city commission chambers for meetings and events, just as city officials.
Now that Wilkerson has dropped his re-election bid, Alcott is the only candidate who will appear on the November ballot. Tom Morris and Chris Page are running for mayor as write-in candidates.