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It's easy to use your credit card to become a member, renew your membership, or make an additional gift to support the programs on WKU Public Radio.   Just click here or on the Donate Now button at the top of the page.

You can also choose a thank-you gift when you pledge.

As of March 2019, all memberships now include a subscription to WKU PBS Passport.

There are suggested levels of giving, but the amount is up to you, and there are three easy ways to give:

Sustaining Membership
Eliminates the need to renew your membership every year! The amount you choose will be charged monthly until further notice.  You can change or stop the payments at any time.  

Single Gift
A single payment will be charged to your card for the full amount.

Installment Gifts
These are charged quarterly or yearly at the amount you determine for one year ($5 monthly minimum).