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Bowling Green Physician Optimistic COVID-19 Vaccine Will Be Available by 2021

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Trump Adminstraton's 'Operation Warp Speed' aims to have 300 million doses of an effective COVID-19 vaccine available to the public by 2021.  The Director of Emergency Services with The Medical Center at Bowling Green is optimistic that goal can be met. 

Dr. William Moss said vaccine developers now have DNA sequencing, knowledge of prior coronaviruses, and super computers to help in the effort.

"We do have light at the end of the tunnel" said Dr. Moss.  "I do feel that with the technology and the mass production they're doing right now, getting things ready for it.  I feel that there will be, once the green light is given, we'll have the abiliity to start vaccinating probably high-risk patients first, nursing homes, healthcare providers, and then getting it out to hopefully everybody very soon after that."

Dr. Moss says once there's an approved COVID-19 vaccine it must be made available worldwide if the pandemic is to be contained.

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