The Bowling Green Independent School District Monday night introduced new elements in their ongoing negotiations with the Warren County School District over the number of non-city residents who can attend city schools.
The school systems don't have an agreement about how many county-resident students the city will accept, and are trying to reach a contract under orders from Kentucky Education Commissioner Terry Holliday.
The Bowling Green Daily News reports the city's plan includes a reduction from 750 non-resident students to 650 over ten years. Non-resident students would be admitted on a first come, first served basis. Siblings of students would be admitted, 60% of the remaining spots would be filled by kindergarteners based on application date, and the final 40% on grades 1 - 12 based on date of application.
The non-resident agreement is key to a school district receiving Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) funding for out-of-district students.
City school officials still have concerns. Bowling Green Superintendent Joe Tinius asked at Monday night's meeting what their options would be if the situation isn't resolved by the summer or the start of the next school year.
The agreement now moves to the Warren County Schools for a decision, maybe as soon as Thursday night at their regularly scheduled meeting. Warren County Schools Superintendent Rob Clayton told WBKO-TV the city's offer is a step in the right direction and his board will look at it to see if it's fair.