With protests against racial injustice happening across the nation, WKU Public Radio reporters sat down with community activists who have been organizing…
The police-related deaths of George Floyd and Louisville resident Breonna Taylor have sparked mass protests in recent weeks.The Minneapolis officers…
By now it’s become a familiar scene: Marchers fill the streets with placards proclaiming “Black Lives Matter,” and chants fill the air as the…
By now, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery have become household names. The deaths of the three Black individuals have sparked days of nationwide…
A crowd gathered in Bowling Green Friday to rally for racial equality and police accountability. The march was organized by the BG Freedom Walkers, a new…
On the night of the first protest in Louisville on May 28, Kayla Meisner and her boyfriend watched everything unfold downtown on the news. She said, for a…
Members of Owensboro’s faith community are preparing to hold a rally to show solidarity against racism and police brutality. The event, which will take…
A midday protest against racism and police drew a crowd of around 180 people Wednesday morning in Bowling Green.It was the latest in what has now been six…
More than 100 people gathered and marched in downtown Bowling Green Monday, to protest police brutality and racial inequality. It marks the fourth day of…