Kentucky Lawmaker Laughs at Himself in National TV Debut

Kentucky News Network

A Kentucky lawmaker says it wasn't so bad being mocked on national television.  Republican Senator Damon Thayer of Georgetown recently appeared in a segment on Comedy Central that poked fun of legislation he introduced in the General Assembly this year. 

The segment was called "Can't Touch This" about states trying to pass laws to counter-act federal laws, a procedure called nullification that's been ruled unconstitutional several times by the Supreme Court. 

Thayer told comedian Jason Jones about a bill the state Senate passed this year to say Kentucky won't go along with any new guns laws from Washington.

Thayer:  "There will be federal gun laws that actually take away what we believe is our 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms."

Jones:  "Other than that premise being completely false (audience laughter), what kind of message did you send to those gun grabbers in Washington D.C.?"

Also appearing on "The Daily Show" segment was Larue County Judge-Executive Tommy Turner discussing counties like his moving to nullify state laws. 

For Thayer's part, he says he doesn't take himself nearly as seriously as he did 15 or 20 years ago, so when asked to do the show, he said "why not."

The complete segment can be viewedhere.

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