Former Miss America Unhappy with GOP Attack

Former Miss America Heather French Henry has voiced her displeasure with a GOP statement calling her a "bottom-of-the-barrel pick" to run for U.S. Senate against Republican Mitch McConnell.

French Henry said in a blog post that she'll make a decision on the race soon.

Republican Party of Kentucky spokeswoman Kelsey Cooper made the statement about French Henry last week when she announced that she is considering taking on McConnell.

French Henry likened the behavior of politicians to children, and said they need to get "a real time-out."

Several Democrats have been mulling a run against McConnell, including Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes and former Democratic Party Chairman Bill Garmer.

Actress Ashley Judd, a former Kentucky resident, had considered a run, but decided earlier this year against it.

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