A prayer vigil will be held on Wednesday evening in honor of Crystal Rogers, a Bardstown woman who hasn't been seen or heard from since July 3, 2015.
Rogers was reported missing on July 5, 2015.
There’s also the unsolved case of Rogers’ father, who was killed 16 months after his daughter’s disappearance.
Years of investigation by police, and for the past year by the FBI, have failed to find Crystal Rogers’ body or solve the case.
Rogers’ mother, Sherry Ballard, said the community has been supportive in remembering her daughter, who had five children.
“It is a very hard, a very hard time. I’m hoping this will be our last prayer service and after this year I’ll know more and even find my daughter. I’m praying that will happen," said Ballard. "I know that’s a long shot, but I never give up that hope.”
Ballard said the prayer vigil will be at 7:30 p.m. at St. Thomas Church in Bardstown.
“We’ve had one every year and it’s always packed whenever we have it. I’m hoping that this year will be the same," said Ballard. "I’ve had a lot of good support from the town that I live in. I’m always nervous about that because after so many years you think people just move on and forget. But every year they don’t disappoint me.”
Ballard said the FBI is investigating only Roger’s death now, but the FBI is working closely with Kentucky State Police in case any connections are made to the death of Rogers’ father, Tommy Ballard.
the FBI