Conway Says He Can Accept Some Changes to Kentucky Prescription Pill Bill

A leading advocate of Kentucky's new prescription pill law says he's ready to listen to doctors who want to change it. Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway has made fighting prescription pill abuse one of his top priorities. Earlier this year, he was a leading supporter of House Bill 1, which requires most doctors to use the KASPER pill tracking system.

Some doctors have complained that having to put every patient into the KASPER system is burdensome. And Conway says he's willing to loosen some restrictions to help the medical community.

“I do think that that first part of the bill that mandates use of KASPER is a little bit strong, probably a little bit strong and maybe we need more exceptions.”

Conway declined to elaborate on how exemptions to KASPER might work. He says he will not accept any changes to how HB1 regulates so-called pill mills, where many prescription abusers get their drugs.

House Speaker Greg Stumbo drafted HB1. His office says the General Assembly will determine whether any changes are needed.

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