Lawmaker Wants to Expand the Availability of EpiPens in Kentucky Schools

Kentucky State Representative Addia Wuchner is continuing her push to expand the availability of EpiPens in schools. EpiPens are used to reverse the effects of reactions that usually come from insect stings or food allergies.

State law currently allows students with certain allergies to carry an EpiPen while in school. But Wuchner says that doesn't prevent every accident, and she wants to allow schools to store EpiPens in high-risk locations.

“Some children are not aware a particular allergy and the place that it occurs for the very first time is there in the cafeteria setting or in school," she says.

Wuchner says she’s pre-filing the bill to help resolve concerns from school administrators. She says the bill failed last year because she introduced it too late in the session.

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