Kentucky Superintendent Pay, Performance Evaluations to Appear Online

Following multiple investigations of abuse of power and inappropriate spending by school superintendents in Kentucky, the Department of Education is working to improve transparency.

After uncovering cases of fiscal neglect at a handful of districts, state auditor Adam Edelen suggested that information relating to school superintendent compensation, benefits, and yearly evaluations be posted online.

Hiren Desai with the Kentucky Department of Education says school boards will also receive training on best practices for developing superintendent contracts.

“There are a lot of districts who have good templates, but as you know there are a lot of districts who don’t have any templates. They write contracts, as we found through these audits, on napkins and paper towels. So we’re going to stop that practice," said Desai.

Officials say the more information that’s made public, the better administrators and elected representatives can be held accountable.

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