The latest installment of the Stained Glass Series took place Dec. 5, 2017 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church, featuring organist Ken Stain and members and friends of the Christ Episcopal Church choir.
Non komm der Heiden Heiland - J.S. Bach
Choral E'en So Lord Jesse, Quickly Come - Paul Manz
Recitative: Comfort Ye/ Aria: Every Valley - Handel (performed by Dr. Jeremiah Cawley)
The Angel Gabriel - Richard Shephard
Recitative: Then Shall the Eyes of the Eyes/Aria: He Shall Feed His Flock - Handel
(performed by Deborah Stein and Brittany Whitlow)
Wachet auf - J.S. Bach
Aria Rejoice Greatly - Handel (performed by Cate Kilgore)
Before The Marvel of this Night - Jaroslav Vajda
Nun komm der Heiden Heiland
Adam Lay Ybounden (Carson Cooman)